When the days get colder and the cold sets in, heating bills tend to rise quickly. The cold weather often leads to a significant expenditure of money for households. If you use fuel oil, here are some ideas that will allow you to reduce your bill and thus to approach the bills that will come more serenely. Today we present the three most effective solutions to reduce your fuel consumption.
1 – Anticipate your filling
Anticipation will allow you to save money quickly and easily. Please note that for a last minute delivery, you will have to count an extra 10 cents per liter. Thanks to the FuelSens tank sensor readings, we can predict your consumption needs and alert you in advance so you don’t have to make a last minute order.
We can also warn you when prices are low. The fact that fuel oil is a petroleum product makes it dependent on market fluctuations, especially with regard to crude oil. This factor is changeable, so it is best to order it when rates are at their lowest. Fuel-it allows you to set up alerts on your user interface to notify you by email or phone of the lowest prices.
2 – Make grouped orders
Once you have anticipated your fuel oil filling, you can take advantage of it to make a group order. The concept is simple, it is about gathering several people coming from the same sector in order to place a global order for fuel oil. Why is this a good idea? Simply because it greatly increases your bargaining power when dealing with a supplier. A grouped order will allow you to benefit from the most advantageous rates, which is not negligible when you know the price of fuel oil.
To benefit from grouped orders, simply enter your fuel distributor in your Fuel-it customer interface. We will then alert you to your options.
3 – Use the competition
To get the best rates, you’ll need to shop around. Fuel-it puts all the suppliers in your area on one map. You can easily compare the differences and take advantage of grouped orders.
The advantage of our oil collector
To help you know exactly where your oil level is and to anticipate the best, you can use a brand new system. The latter is a highly sophisticated ultrasonic sensor that allows you to measure your oil level in real time and to retrieve this information directly on your customer interface.
This way, you don’t have to leave your house to anticipate your consumption. Our algorithms predict when is the best time to perform your filling.