First of all, it is necessary to understand why and how it is possible to adapt a connected gauge for all forms of tanks.
Thus, for this, it is important to recall the
of the word “
By definition, a tank is a large container in which a liquid content is stored.
The different types of tanks… the use
Generally, we note two distinct categories of tanks. They differ in particular in their use.
In fact, the tanks can be used in the food sector or in the industrial sector.
However, there are also vats specially used in the oenology sector, used for wine making or storage of wine.
The tanks intended for food products (in particular in the food industry) can for example contain liquid food products such as milk, water, fruit juice, oils… These tanks must be demanding in terms of materials and standards, as they must be optimized in terms of
bacteriological in accordance with the regulations for the manufacture of food products.
Industrial tanks can contain other liquid products such as acids, paint, petroleum products, waste water… They must also be specific and adaptable to each liquid they can contain. But also, more and more manufacturers are paying attention to their social and ecological responsibility.
Thus, our connected gauge for all types of tanks also works on all types of liquids (and soon our connected gauges will have the Atex certification: standard associated with products usable in explosive atmospheres, for hazardous areas! A little news that will be available next year… ;))
The different types of tanks… the shapes
The tanks are differentiated by their different shapes. Although today there are many different types of tanks, the most standard ones are often the most common. However, there are several kinds of them because of their particular shapes.
Thus, the most common tanks are :
- Parallelepipedic
- Standing cylinders
- Cylindrical lying
- Cubic (ibc)
- Spherical devices
And so, it is possible to adapt our connected gauge for all types of tanks
The different types of tanks… the materials
The tanks are also different in material. Each material is suitable or not for a type of liquid contained in the tank. It is therefore necessary to be well informed and to choose the type of tank that is most suitable for the product you wish to store.
In particular, the most generalized tank materials are made of :
- Metal
- Plastic (HDPE, PPh, PVDF, PVC…)
- Composite
- Wood
- …
And so, it is then possible to adapt our connected gauge for all forms of tanks, but also for all materials.
Connected gauge for all types of tanks
The Fuel it connected sensor is an adaptable sensor. It adapts to liquids and all types of tanks.
No questions asked, whatever your tank, our sensor is compatible in 90% of cases. Also, no maximum volume, complex tank formats can be entered on the web platform.
Moreover, installation is simple and intuitive, the Fuel it sensor is screwed in place of the cap of your tank.
The Fuel it sensor has 3 screw threads, allowing it to fit all standard tank types!
The tank can then be set up from the FuelSens area by your customer, or by you from the FuelDesk area. And if needed, our service team is available to help you with the first installations and settings.
Connected gauge for all types of tanks… the proof in the pudding

So convinced?
To know everything about tanks: you can have a look at the Wikipedia site:
And for the proof in pictures… go to Fuel it to see our gallery of sensors installed according to the shape of the tanks! Go and have a look, it’s here :
And above all… Don’t hesitate to call us if you have any questions!